Welcome, I’ve been wanting to do something like this website for years but never took the time to get it going. Luckily we have a web guy in the family now so here we go!
The Early Years
I’m into a lot of stuff, but online gaming and D&D take up most of my so-called free time. I never played D&D as a kid, I was a jock, girls and cars were more interesting back then I guess. I did however love computers and early computer games. After I moved out I loved doing laundry because it meant going to my parents house and playing Bard’s Tale all day on my little brother (DM Karther’s) Commodore 64 or sometimes getting lost in a game called Temple of Apshai.
I loved those days but I soon found something even better, a co-worker of mine invited me to play D&D with him and his friends. Needless to say I loved it, we played a whole lot for about a year or so, playing mostly pick up games when we could. At some point during our time playing they asked me to DM, we didn’t write our own stuff back then but we played any pre-made AD&D module we came across.
Time became an issue as I was now married, and had my first child. Neither of those things allow for much more than family time, so I really didn’t get to play as much as I would have liked. My family became my highest priority, and still is to this day.
Fast forward to today, my brother Jim told me he was just messing around running his kids through some basic modules. I immediately thought, why don’t we all come to my house, I have this great big table and we could play D&D. It took some time to get used to D&D 5e rules but we adapted, kinda. There were some squabbles and some hurt feelings over changes to the ruleset but things finally settled and now we are on a multi year campaign that I myself wrote called Lost Souls of Black Tree, more on that later! It is the first time I have ever done anything like this but I thought hey I can write a story, and I understand the rulesets I just need to combine those two elements and we should be fine, so I thought.